Aug 5, 2010

Photography: Putrajaya

Another nothing better to do day. So decided to take some photos at Putrajaya.

It looks like a mosque... not sure why they need so many spot lights shining towards the sky... It that a landing spot for Aliens or wat I dunno.

Could have taken more photos. I even saw a stunning phenomenon which was RED colour wide spread LIGHTNING towards the direction of the last photo. I didn't manage to capture any of those because there was a STUPID POLICE PATROL chasing me away because I parked at the road side....


It's freaking 2am and me parking at the road side won't obstruct ANY TRAFFIC~! They are FREAKING RETARDS I TELL YOU~! RETARDS~!
Didn't want to argue and there wasn't any car park nearby too.... so I had to leave with just 3 photos above...



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