Feb 24, 2008

Witness a Ship Launching

This is the first time I witness a ship got pushed into the sea. To be honest... I got no idea how they move a ship as heavy as few thousand tons from the land to the sea.

Behind me is the ship that's going to be going into the sea for the first time.

Since the ship is so big, it would be damn impossible to use a crane to lift it up. Coz the ship would be much heavier than the crane. Above photo is one of the biggest ship crane in Singapore.

This shot is taken while the ship is still on land. It will be going into the sea moments later.

I was really surprise on how the ship is being pushed into the sea. At first, I tot the pillars below the ship will break then only the ship will start sliding little by little into the sea. I really tot it would take hours to move the ship into the sea. But I was so so wrong.... the ship slides into the sea with the pillar along, and it takes only seconds for the ship to move from the ground to the sea. I was really taken by surprise on how its being executed.

And now, the ship is on the sea already. Its a great experience for me. This shows that I still got a long way to go in ship building business.


L'abeille said...

Wow! Impressive...

Thanks for sharing the knowledge. I didn't know it was being "pushed" to the sea in such a way. Cool!

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