This song has been running through by head in replay mode recently. So I went to download it and play it in my PC in repeat mode either. Yea, it is repeat mode.
Although its not a new song, but I would like to put it up in this post anyway.
I find this song relating to my life now in someways. The main character in the MV is so devoted in his working life that he has neglected his lover. In the end, they both seperated.
Although I am still single with no commitment, work has taken up most of my time. Even weekends. Yeah, including sunday and public holidays. I am wondering myself, when will I have time to socialize with other's? Besides chatting online on msn or socialize with co-league, I think I never hang out with friends for almost 5 months already. Wow, 5 months... thats as far as I can remember. Yes, almost 5 months ago I was hanging out with all those who are working in Spore came back from UK. That steamboat dinner still scares me till now. Hehe. Coz I had diarrhea for 3 straight weeks after that dinner for those who dunno. I lost weight in this occasion too.
But that was 5 months ago. I have put on more weight than I used to have already. Teruk ~.~"
Occasionally, there will be 1 cockroach that will fly into my room from outside ready to be killed by me like the one in the photo above. Yes, I killed this f**king cockroach since I have to wait 1 minute for the elevator.
This shows that how BORING is my life now anyways. Writing all about the boring stuff like I am a cockroach mass killing maniac. :)
Will post more about my cockroach killing habit in future:)
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