Sep 28, 2007

Smoke Screen or Brainless

The Malaysian police seeked help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to assist in Nurin's kidnap and murder case. The FBI has agreed to assist in enhancing the clarity of the original image recovered from the CCTV. It was reported in The Star "FBI to help in Nurin murder probe" with The IGP quoted
"One of our officers left last night for the United States with the web-camera recording and we hope they can help produce a clearer image so that we can pick up the person for questioning. "

I was amazed for a while, thinking the police finally has the brain to get assistance from outsider and this might really help solving the case.

But after 5 seconds of amazement, I felt something amiss here..

Hey... why the heck should we send someone to bring the recording over? Isn't there something called.... INTERNET??!! If the video is in digital form, which clearly is coz there isn't anyone who is stupid enough to invest in analogue video, the police can actually send the video through internet! Why waste the time flying over?

1. Waste time, thats actually wat Malaysians like to do actually. With all the mat rempits hanging around seeking death aimlessly. Police seeking for kopi duit especially ramadan month. This little time would not hurt.

2. Waste money. Heck! We already spend few hundred dolars in RM40 screwdrivers and spending WHOLE LOTS of MONEY sending some dude up to space to make teh tarik. Spending this doesn't seem to hurt either.

And Hey!! Isn't there something called FEDEX? or DHL?
I am guessing our police officers do not have the address for FBI.

Well, the police always say they have their way to handle investigation, this might be a smokescreen too. Maybe the police is just trying to catch the murderer of guard? Coz the murderer might think "Police bringing the video to US ar? Maybe 1 day or 2 also not enough lar, no need to worry."

While writing this post, this news appeared
Five arrested in connection with Nurin's murderLatest News

I certainly hope that this is a smokescreen instead of a brainless a
ction which leads to arresting this few person.

I also hope the IGP stop the stupidity act on investigating Nurin's parents for negligence.
I saw this above picture at
It's so true and yet funny man!

Hope that the police caught the real criminals instead of giving excuses or getting scapegoats in this case. We know how Malaysians are able to forgive and forget.


Horny Ang Moh said...

Hallo!Aiyah! We r living in bolehland mah! Anythings is possible!BTW tq for dropping at my site! Have a nice day!

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