Sep 18, 2007

Updates on UPM case on 15th of Sept

There are few updates on this case posted in Malaysiakini site. It is in chinese tho.
It stated that the student Mr Yee, went to lodge a police report. It is amazing that the police advice him to apologize to the University so that he would not become a second Anwar Ibrahim.
WTF man, at the first place, wat kind of stupid advice is this? Is this the remark we should get to hear from a policeman? Also, what the hell is there to apologize to? Mr Yee didn't asked for this incident to happen if the relevant procedure has been done prior confiscating his belongings.
Do not be a second Anwar? Is this a threat? It is amazing!!

Many things has been pointed out for this incident in the news report. Is it legal to go into a student's accommodation without any proper documents or warrant prior searching through a student's room? Even police need to show a warrant before they ransack a scene. They did not have a valid reason to confiscate Mr Yee's belonging to begin with, asking for a proper procedure would be a waste of time.

At least now he has a letter from the university with the list of items that has been confiscated. A letter that look like a packing list. It looks like a packing list cause it doesn't have any return date, or a reason to keep the item.

This incident is a total disgrace not only to the university, it is also a disgrace to the nation that there are ppl who behave in this kind of manner. Does the Minister of Education approve this kind of action? Hell yes if there isn't any action taken by them to prevent this kind of thing to happen.

Wat I want to say is, good luck to Mr Yee.

God bless Malaysia.


massaki said...

I'm planning to update you about the news, mana tau u sudah update =.=|||

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